What I’m Reading

3 Jan

Hi all!

Since I’m stuck home with a monster cold for a few days (doctor’s orders), I have been checking things off my monthly to do list.

First order of business, unpacking this behemoth bag from vacation:

Dr. Os and I just got back from a weekend getaway skiing in Vermont.  It was really fun to hone my skiing skills and learn little by little from Dr. Os how to get better.  I have some leg muscles that are sore that I didn’t even know I had.  It was also great to relax and spend time with friends.

Next up, Save the Dates.  We ordered amazing Save the Dates from Valerie over at PixelStixGraphics.  We found her through Etsy and loved her whimsical designs.  She was great to work with and I highly recommend her.

Getting those bad boys stuffed in envelopes was the easy part- handwriting out the addresses will be tricky.  Hopefully a wedding fairy can do that for me 🙂

Now I’m just getting ready to settle in with a good book.  I am usually a chick lit reader, however Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series has me completely sucked in.  Time to snuggle up with my baby and delve into the next book in the series.

Read any good books lately? I love reading, but usually have a hard time finding the time to actually read.  Sometimes I will read on the bike or elliptical at the gym.

Look for posts later in the week about Zumba and yoga! Can’t wait to get healthy and back to my active and zany self 🙂

xxo Stephanie

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Lazy Dog Day

3 Jan

Hi all,

What a crazy morning. Decided to sleep in and snuggle the pupsicle.  I love vacation days 🙂

Start-up to the little blog is moving kind of slow.  Figuring out domain name and what platform to use on my Mac has been time consuming.  If anyone has any suggestions, I would gladly appreciate them 🙂

Enjoying a nice Nespresso latte with frothed skim milk while I figure out how to navigate the blogging waters.  What do you drink in the morning? I am usually an iced almond milk latte kind of girl, but cold winter mornings usually mean breaking out the frother 🙂

xxo Stephanie

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Goals 2012

2 Jan

Hi!  Starting off the new year with a cold is no fun 😦

However, snuggling my pup while sick is a pretty okay way to spend the day 🙂

Since it is the start of a new year, and the start of a good year for me, I thought it would be fun to post my list of goals for the year.  This year I will be finishing a second (and last) degree, getting married, and Dr. Os (the fiancé) will finish nursing school.  Of course, a lot can happen in a year, but all seems good on the horizon ❤

2012 Goals
Spend more time snuggling Achilles- being in school full-time, teaching, working, working out, etc. leaves little time for my little baby.  Of course, he lives in a house full of people who love him, but I want to make sure I give him more love myself.
Continue to save $$$ as best as I can.  And remind myself frequently that paying for classes are an investment in myself… and repeat.
Read more books from my professional library.
Finish the degree- and dance around like a maniac when I finish 🙂

Full-time job of my dreams by July 2012

Teaching yoga classes by December 2012

Yoga 4x a week
Vitamins daily
Run at least 1 1/2 marathon by June 2012
More fruits and veggies, less sweets 🙂
What are your goals for 2012? As I’ve seen on lots of blogs, like Fitnessista, Inspiration Boards are a good way to visually remind yourself of your goals.  Look out for a posting of my board in the next few days.
xxo Stephanie



2 Jan

Welcome to my little blog.  This is where I will be sharing  all stuff that interests me.  Working out, shopping, yoga, running, my pupsicle Achilles, and my main squeeze Dr. Os (my fiancé).  What better way to start the new year than with a new blog? 🙂

Thanks for stopping by, look for new posts soon.

xxo Stephanie