Tag Archives: running

Fitness on the Go

10 Jan

Hi all!

How is your day going so far? Today was a great day, I ended up running 2 awesome miles on the treadmill, running some errands, and packing for a quick trip to visit the parentals.  Although I would have liked to run more miles, I am still recovering from being sick last week, so I didn’t want to push too hard.  Plus, I’m sore from Zumba last night. 🙂

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I have a hard time finding the time to visit my parents, so I figured a nice mid-week trip was in order.  Both of my younger brothers still live at home, so it is really a fun time when we are all home together.

After a family dinner, my papadukes decided it was a good time to look up father daughter dance songs.  We narrowed it down to our two favorites (links are to YouTube):

My Little Girl by Tim McGraw

Daughters by John Mayer

I really liked I Loved Her First by Heartland, but I was major waterworks during it, and my dad liked the Tim McGraw one better.

Contribution from my brothers?  I’ve Done Everything for You by Rick Springfield.  If you don’t know it, check out the lyrics below.

“I’ve done everything for you
You’ve done nothing for me
I’ve done everything for you
You’ve done nothing for me”

Oh my brothers.. they are too funny. 🙂

Any father-daughter song ideas? We really had a hard time finding nice ones that weren’t too country, too old, etc.

Hope you have a great night!  By the way, my Lululemon post will be up soon- I had ordered from the website and have been waiting for the second part of my order to ship before posting about all the goods. 🙂

xxo Stephanie

Gym Date

8 Jan

Hi all!

Happy weekend 🙂

Saturdays are my favorite because I get to work out with friends 🙂IMG 0473

And because this little bugger takes lazy Saturday mornings to a whole new level.

My usual Saturday morning routine is to practice yoga and run with friends.  Today we headed to a free yoga class at our local Lululemon taught by Brenda Blanco.

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Our lulu is in a mall.  This makes the free classes especially nice because the mall is empty, and the close parking spots are always open.  Score. 🙂

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IMG 0475After sweating like maniacs, we decided to check out the inventory.  I wore my favorite new striped socks with my well-loved Uggs, which you can kind of see in this picture.

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After trying on and purchasing some adorable yoga gear (more on that later) we headed to the park to put some miles on our shoes. 🙂

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Why yes that is another lovely bathroom shot, don’t mind if I do.

It was such a beautiful day for a run, and it was really great to spend some time catching up with the girls.  Big bonus, my one friend surprised us all with super cool running hoods.  Although not the most stylish, I can guarantee you can see me coming from a mile away. 🙂

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This will be great for those cold winter runs.  Especially the Super Sunday 4 Miler in February!

Do you have great running gear that you love, although it is not the most fashionable? I am usually one to shy away from crazy stuff like this, but when I am cold, I will wear anything.  Function always wins!

xxo Stephanie

Hunting for Food

4 Jan

Found this little baby hunting for his share of breakfast today…

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He has an uncanny ability to sneak up on the table when no one is around, and then get himself stuck up there.  Oh hey mama, could I get a hand?

Feeling so much better today, it’s amazing what a few days of rest and some medicine can do.

I’m a big fan of running local 5k and 10k races, and am feeling sad that my next one isn’t until February.  Since it is so cold here in Jersey, I am spending some quality time with a treadmill to do my training.  Using this photo as inspiration for my treadmill run today:

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That’s me, running in Vibrams, my shoe of choice in the warmer months of the year.

What is your favorite treadmill workout to do? I like to just run straight miles at a steady pace, faster than my outdoor pace.  Hoping to run 4 today.  I usually listen to 55 Top Hits- Workout Mixes because the BPM is very steady.

Have a great day!

xxo Stephanie

Goals 2012

2 Jan

Hi!  Starting off the new year with a cold is no fun 😦

However, snuggling my pup while sick is a pretty okay way to spend the day 🙂

Since it is the start of a new year, and the start of a good year for me, I thought it would be fun to post my list of goals for the year.  This year I will be finishing a second (and last) degree, getting married, and Dr. Os (the fiancé) will finish nursing school.  Of course, a lot can happen in a year, but all seems good on the horizon ❤

2012 Goals
Spend more time snuggling Achilles- being in school full-time, teaching, working, working out, etc. leaves little time for my little baby.  Of course, he lives in a house full of people who love him, but I want to make sure I give him more love myself.
Continue to save $$$ as best as I can.  And remind myself frequently that paying for classes are an investment in myself… and repeat.
Read more books from my professional library.
Finish the degree- and dance around like a maniac when I finish 🙂

Full-time job of my dreams by July 2012

Teaching yoga classes by December 2012

Yoga 4x a week
Vitamins daily
Run at least 1 1/2 marathon by June 2012
More fruits and veggies, less sweets 🙂
What are your goals for 2012? As I’ve seen on lots of blogs, like Fitnessista, Inspiration Boards are a good way to visually remind yourself of your goals.  Look out for a posting of my board in the next few days.
xxo Stephanie



2 Jan

Welcome to my little blog.  This is where I will be sharing  all stuff that interests me.  Working out, shopping, yoga, running, my pupsicle Achilles, and my main squeeze Dr. Os (my fiancé).  What better way to start the new year than with a new blog? 🙂

Thanks for stopping by, look for new posts soon.

xxo Stephanie