Tag Archives: goals

Goals 2012

2 Jan

Hi!  Starting off the new year with a cold is no fun 😦

However, snuggling my pup while sick is a pretty okay way to spend the day 🙂

Since it is the start of a new year, and the start of a good year for me, I thought it would be fun to post my list of goals for the year.  This year I will be finishing a second (and last) degree, getting married, and Dr. Os (the fiancé) will finish nursing school.  Of course, a lot can happen in a year, but all seems good on the horizon ❤

2012 Goals
Spend more time snuggling Achilles- being in school full-time, teaching, working, working out, etc. leaves little time for my little baby.  Of course, he lives in a house full of people who love him, but I want to make sure I give him more love myself.
Continue to save $$$ as best as I can.  And remind myself frequently that paying for classes are an investment in myself… and repeat.
Read more books from my professional library.
Finish the degree- and dance around like a maniac when I finish 🙂

Full-time job of my dreams by July 2012

Teaching yoga classes by December 2012

Yoga 4x a week
Vitamins daily
Run at least 1 1/2 marathon by June 2012
More fruits and veggies, less sweets 🙂
What are your goals for 2012? As I’ve seen on lots of blogs, like Fitnessista, Inspiration Boards are a good way to visually remind yourself of your goals.  Look out for a posting of my board in the next few days.
xxo Stephanie