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Wood Stove Workout

10 Jan

Hi all!

Yesterday was a nice and relaxing day after such a busy weekend.  We drove home from the city, and the first thing we did was put on a fire.

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I haven’t mentioned it on the bloggie yet, but since Dr. Os is finishing a post-graduate degree, and I am finishing a certification, we moved in with his parents for a few months while we wrap up some school.  It was either this or part-time classes for the next 3 years… so most of our pictures are his parents house. 🙂

Anwyay, after doing some major relaxing, I settled in to do a yoga DVD.  I absolutely love Ana Forrest style yoga, and DVD’s seem to be where it’s at in north Jersey.

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I love taking yoga classes up here, but sometimes I need the core-focused yoga.  It’s always good to switch it up and keep your muscles guessing. 🙂

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It was really great to practice next to the wood stove, although I am not sure you can tell from the picture that it was on.  Sometimes the flames are a little low. 🙂

This DVD I like to do is a little slow-moving, but that really allows me to get into the poses and open up my tight spots.  Part of it is also an intense core-focused sequence, which I love for working out my inner abdominals.

Next up was some working, dinner with a co-worker, and then what is quickly becoming my new favorite way to workout… Zumba!

I was finally able to make another class with my favorite instructor, Chris SantaMaria.  He is so great- he has such high energy and really teaches some amazing classes.  Although I don’t have any pictures from Zumba, I have one silly one of the baby…

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And doesn’t that look comfortable?  Chin resting on table doggie relaxation pose?

Hope you all have a great day! Tomorrow I’ve got running and hopefully some yoga on my plate.  Do you try to plan your workouts ahead of time? I really like to know what classes I plan on attending each week so that I can schedule around them.  I like to make them a priority. 🙂

xxo Stephanie

Busy Bees NYC

9 Jan

Hi all!

Sorry for not posting yesterday, it was a super busy day and I forgot to bring my computer to NYC.  Still getting the hang of blogging. 🙂

Yesterday morning we had a special mass to attend.  We do not regularly attend church (sorry God), but we are Catholic, and are getting married in our church, so we have been attempting to attend mass more often.  Yesterday was a special mass where engaged couples were being blessed, so we figured we had planned to attend.

After mass we headed home so someone could watch the big game…

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…and someone else could paint their nails. 🙂

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At halftime we both took a break to pack, change, and get ready to head to NYC.

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quick packing/laundry = bags and laundry baskets all over our bed.

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We were heading in so we could see the off Broadway show Avenue Q.  The last Broadway show we saw was a Wicked (which I am in love with), a few years ago, so we were really excited for this one.

We stayed at the Double Tree Hilton in Times Square, and we really liked it.  Doubletree is usually our hotel of choice when we travel.  Usually though, when we head to NYC, if I am in charge of booking, I find an awesome boutique hotel.  Dr. Os was in charge of this one. 🙂

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First thing Dr. Os did upon entering the hotel room was put on football.  Boo.

After getting settled and taking tons of pictures, we finally headed to the show!

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New coat! Had to put a picture in of me wearing it. 🙂 It was so warm, perfect for NYC brisk weather.

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The show was hilarious, and our seats (which we had purchased on sale), ended up being in the second row.  It was really an awesome night.

Have you see any Broadway shows recently?  What is your favorite show? Wicked is still my favorite, but I had such  fun time last night.  It was a fun surprise for a Sunday night.

xxo Stephanie

What I’m Reading

3 Jan

Hi all!

Since I’m stuck home with a monster cold for a few days (doctor’s orders), I have been checking things off my monthly to do list.

First order of business, unpacking this behemoth bag from vacation:

Dr. Os and I just got back from a weekend getaway skiing in Vermont.  It was really fun to hone my skiing skills and learn little by little from Dr. Os how to get better.  I have some leg muscles that are sore that I didn’t even know I had.  It was also great to relax and spend time with friends.

Next up, Save the Dates.  We ordered amazing Save the Dates from Valerie over at PixelStixGraphics.  We found her through Etsy and loved her whimsical designs.  She was great to work with and I highly recommend her.

Getting those bad boys stuffed in envelopes was the easy part- handwriting out the addresses will be tricky.  Hopefully a wedding fairy can do that for me 🙂

Now I’m just getting ready to settle in with a good book.  I am usually a chick lit reader, however Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series has me completely sucked in.  Time to snuggle up with my baby and delve into the next book in the series.

Read any good books lately? I love reading, but usually have a hard time finding the time to actually read.  Sometimes I will read on the bike or elliptical at the gym.

Look for posts later in the week about Zumba and yoga! Can’t wait to get healthy and back to my active and zany self 🙂

xxo Stephanie

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