Tag Archives: juicing

Health = Wealth

5 Jan

Hi All!

Today was such a good day, despite the cold weather here in Jersey.  I am just starting to get over my cold, and was itching to get back to the gym!

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I was all bundled up and ready to face the cold! Side note- still working on how to take good blog pictures, bear with me por favor 🙂

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At the gym I was all set to run my 4 miles, but after my warm-up on the elliptical, I knew my heart was racing faster than normal.  I had Dr. Os take my heart rate (who needs a heart rate monitor when you’ve got him around? 😉 ) and we both decided it would be better if I lifted instead.

I spent some time working on biceps and triceps and called it a day.

Although I was disappointed with my ability to push myself hard today, I knew it was a smart decision to listen to my body. Dr. Os knew I wasn’t super happy, so he stopped at the juice bar to cheer me up.

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Apple, carrot, and celery.  Although it wasn’t my favorite, it was very fresh.

Do you juice or drink fresh vegetable juice? What is your favorite combo? I just purchased my first juicer and am excited to try different combinations.

Time for some Modern Family, tea, and bed 🙂

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xxo Stephanie