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The Blogging Wagon

17 Jan

I promise I will be back soon, I just have taken a little break while I figure out a blogging schedule that jives with my life.  Blogging is definitely a time commitment, and I want to be able to give this little baby blog 100% effort.

Last week I found myself not being able to find (or make the time) to blog on certain days, and didn’t feel like that was fair to my readers.  I kind of fell of the ‘blogging wagon’ feeling like I do when I skip yoga- it snowballs into more than one day.

I am currently working on creating a schedule so that I have posts already ready/created for those days I don’t get to blogging.  Although my life can get hectic, I don’t need my blog to fall by the wayside as my schedule (and semester) changes.

I’ll leave you with a cute picture of the baby while I get my act together. 🙂

Photo 3

xxo Stephanie